Business Smarts – Capital is Key @ Shenandoah Valley SBDC
Oct 14 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am

Join Jennifer Huffman, Solutions Banking Manager, and Josiah Rider, Business Branch Manager, from Atlantic Union Bank for a discussion on using business capital wisely.

Participants will leave with an understanding of the different types of capital, when to use them, and how each can help drive your business to success.

  1. Business Capital
  2. Relationship Capital
  3. Talent Capital

$10 for Chamber Members $15 for Non-Chamber Members

Women in Entrepreneurship Showcase @ Festival Ballroom Grand
Oct 18 @ 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm

In celebration of Global Women in Entrepreneurship Week, JMU will showcase female entrepreneurs and business owners from throughout the Shenandoah Valley. Enjoy some food and beverages while browsing their products and learning about their unique entrepreneurial journeys. Also, hear from a JMU alumni serial entrepreneur Tina Fox as she tells her motivational story and the important lessons she’s learned along the way!

The schedule will be as follows:
5 – 6 PM: Open Exhibition. Meet the business owners, learn about their products, offerings, and their story!
6 – 6:30 PM: Keynote Address from Guest Speaker
6:30 – 7:30 PM: Additional Exhibition and Networking time with light refreshments

Register HERE.

Business Smarts – Canceled @ Shenandoah Valley SBDC
Nov 11 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am

Many employers are currently facing recruiting challenges.  Veterans and the military community face employment challenges regularly.  In fact, in a recent survey, 90% of veterans indicated there were obstacles in obtaining employment.  In this session, we explore ways to help break down the barriers to employment opportunities for transitioning service members, veterans, and military spouses and promote inclusive policies and practices.  The presentation, developed by USAA and the SHRM Foundation will help promote inclusive policies and help employers understand the importance of communicating their desire to be inclusive and welcoming.  We will also explore unique strategies for recruiting, onboarding, and retaining veterans and military spouses.

Sheri Bender, Pulse HR Solutions, LLC serves as a USAA/SHRM Foundation Veterans Ambassador.  She has over 25 years of practical HR/Training experience and enjoys working with organizations and military veterans to bridge the gap and help translate skills. In her experience, there is a big language barrier and it is enlightening to have true conversations about what a candidate has to contribute and watch them flourish when matched with the right role.  That’s why she believes this program is so valuable.

$10 for Chamber Members $15 for Non-Chamber Members. Coffee & donuts provided.