Women in Entrepreneurship Showcase Supports Female-Led Companies

The Shenandoah Valley Small Business Development Center is please to be partnering with the Gilliam Center for Entrepreneurship on this annual event!


In celebration of Global Women in Entrepreneurship Week, the Gilliam Center for Entrepreneurship is organizing a showcase to highlight local female entrepreneurs from throughout the Shenandoah Valley. At this event, participants will be able to showcase products and/or services, network with other entrepreneurial leaders, all while enjoying filling appetizers and sipping on wine.

In partnership with Women for Madison, Shenandoah Community Capital Fund, Shenandoah Valley Small Business Development Center, and the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce, we aim to bring the JMU community and local community together to support female-led companies and learn from their stories.

The WEW Showcase will take place from 5 PM – 7:30 PM on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 located in the Festival Conference and Student Center Grand Ballroom.

The schedule will be as follows:

  • 5 – 6 PM: Open Exhibition. Meet the business owners, learn about their products, offerings, and their story!
  • 6 – 6:30 PM: Keynote Address from Guest Speaker
  • 6:30 – 7:30 PM: Additional Exhibition and Networking time with light refreshments

HOW DO I BECOME A VENDOR? — There will be a vendor fee of $30. Register HERE.

SETUP & PARKING — Load in will happen between 3 pm – 5 pm, and participants may pull up at the curb to unload merchandise. Parking Lots C12, D3, and R4 will be available for all vendors, partners, and attendees.

An 8′ table and a seat will be provided for each booth. If you need additional seating and/or a table, please email us at [email protected]. A floor plan layout and more information will be provided around mid-September.